As you may recall, I’m a huge fan of the annual Philadelphia Wizard World Comic Con. This year, I’m as excited as ever. The wonderfully fun-to-watch stars of the CW’s Arrow are on the guest list. Yes, both Arrow (Stephen Amell) and Laurel herself (Katie Cassidy) will be appearing!
If you haven’t checked out Arrow yet, I’d recommend doing so ASAP. This superhero show does get suspenseful but isn’t always serious. You gotta love a show in which multiple characters know the lead’s secret identity, which is mainly covered by green eye makeup.
Amell can portray Oliver Queen skillfully in both the present and in flashbacks when he was still a spoiled rich boy. Not to worry, he’s not really like that anymore, due to “5 YEARS ON THE ISLAND!” Oliver, aka the Arrow, aka the Hood is one hell of a vigilante. His parkour game is on point.
Katie Cassidy plays attorney Laurel Lance. She’s one tough cookie. Of course, Oliver and Laurel have a history. It’s awesome to be able to watch Ms. Cassidy regularly. I’ve been a fan of hers since her role in the Black Christmas remake.
Getting the chance to meet two of the fab stars of Arrow is one of my top reasons for attending the Philly Wizard World show this year. It could only get better if Diggle were enlisted.
This year the Philadelphia Wizard World Comic Con runs May 7-10th. For info about all of Wizard World’s conventions, visit the Official Facebook Wizard World page.