These are the episodes of Sex and the City that I consider to be the best. I didn’t choose them to gel the storyline together. It’s more about how much I enjoy these episodes. I have chosen less episodes from seasons 1 and 5 because those were shorter. It was very hard to narrow season 2 down. It includes many excellent episodes so you may want to watch it from start to finish if you have time. I, unlike many, was a big fan of the LA episodes.
For full info on all episodes of the series, I recommend visiting the Sex and the City series page on
Season 1: Episode 4 “Valley of the Twenty-Something Guys”

“Sir, we’re talking up the butt. A cigarette is in order.”–
-Carrie Bradshaw
Carrie, Samantha, and Miranda try dating guys in their 20s. Even in this early episode, you can see that Big and Carrie were gonna have some drama. Some highlights of this episode are Timothy Olyphant guest starring as Carrie’s young lover and the classic Charlotte up the butt taxi scene.
Season 1: Episode 6 “Secret Sex”

Carrie wears the “naked dress” which leads her to have sex with Big on their first official date. Carrie then starts to believe that Big is keeping her a secret from his friends.
Season 1: Episode 9 “The Turtle and the Hare”
Samantha inexplicably dates and tries to change a man. It seems very out of character but interesting. Charlotte gets her first sex toy, the Rabbit.
Season 2: Episode 1 “Take me out to the Ballgame”

-Carrie Bradshaw
“Miranda was a huge fan of the Yankees. I was a huge fan of being anywhere you could smoke and drink at two in the afternoon without judgment.”
“How does it happen that four such smart women have nothing to talk about but boyfriends? It’s like seventh grade with bank accounts!”
-Miranda Hobbes

Carrie happily rebounds from her breakup with Big by dating “The New Yankee”. All seems well until she cries in his mouth. Miranda is mad at Carrie for obsessing about her breakup until she also runs into her ex.
Season 2: Episode 4 “They Shoot Single People, don’t They?”

Carrie gets made a fool of at a magazine shoot and is thrown for a loop. Miranda tries to teach an ex how to give her the big O. Both Bradley Cooper and Mark Feuerstein guest star.
Season 2: Episode 12 “La Douleur Exquise!”

“Have another drink, woman”
Samantha does the publicity for a new S&M place. Big springs the news that he may be moving to Paris on Carrie. At first, she is angry but then tries to be supportive. They break up. Charlotte gets free shoes from a cashier with a shoe fetish. Miranda has sex with a guy who likes to have sex like it’s “Outward Bound”. Stanford has an underwear fetish. He goes out to meet “BigTool4U” at an underwear party. Will Arnett (BoJack Horseman) guest stars.
Season 2: Episode 17 “Twenty-Something Girls vs. Thirty-Something Women”

The group head to the Hamptons. Charlotte meets a young guy and pretends that she too is in her 20s. He gives her crabs. Samantha’s young assistant steals her business contacts and invites them to a party. Carrie runs into Big and his new girlfriend who is in her 20s.
Season 2: Episode 18 “Ex and the City”

Carrie tries to be friends with Big, despite his new relationship, until she finds out that he is marrying the girl. Carrie tries to come to terms with this by the end of the episode. This episode references the film “The Way We Were” which caused me to rent and then become a fan of it as well. Samantha finds a guy whose penis is actually too big.
Season 3: Episode 3 “Attack of the Five Foot Ten Woman”
“I’ve talked to her twice. Once I was in a cowboy hat and once I was in my bra. I’m like friggin’ Annie Get Your Clothes On.”
-Carrie Bradshaw
Carrie has to confront her “Natasha Specific Complex”. Samantha tries to get busy with a masseuse with a reputation. Miranda hires Magda.
Season 3: Episode 9 “Easy Come, Easy Go”

“Whatever you say, I’m your booth bitch”
-Carrie Bradshaw

Carrie cheats on Aiden with Big after running into him at Aiden’s furniture show. Charlotte proposes to herself. Steve starts seeing another girl while he is still living at Miranda’s after their breakup.
Season 3: Episode 10 “All or Nothing”
“Until he says “I love you”, you’re a free agent.”
“What is this? The Rules According to Samantha?”
“See? I’m more old-fashioned than you think.”
Carrie continues to cheat on Aiden while he gets increasingly invested in the relationship. Samantha gets sick and acts like a love-starved woman.
Season 3: Episode 13 “Escape from New York”

Carrie thinks it’s a great way to escape her problems when she goes to LA to find out if her columns will be optioned for a movie. Unfortunately, she writes about her love life and is now subjected to a dissection of it. Samantha dates a dildo model who turns out to be a sappy poet. Miranda wants to be sexually free. Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Michelle Gellar guest star.
Season 3: Episode 14 “Sex and Another City”

“One woman’s pornographer is another woman’s spiritual leader.”
-Carrie Bradshaw
Carrie hooks up with a guy who pretends he’s all that but is just a house sitter. Miranda meets up with an ex who seems to have become less angry and more fulfilled but just has an eating disorder. Charlotte joins them in LA because she’s sick of grappling with Trey’s impotence. The ladies attend a party at the Playboy Mansion. Vince Vaughn, Hugh Hefner, and Carrie Fisher are all guest stars.
Season 3: Episode 15 “Hot Child in the City”

“I’m scootin in heels.”
-Carrie Bradshaw
-Samantha Jones
“You know what I was buying when I was thirteen? Nothing! I couldn’t afford anything, I was serving dilly bars at Dairy Queen.“
“I’ve been trying to diagnosis myself on the Internet….Just type in your symptoms, hit enter, and wait for the word cancer to appear on the screen.”-Miranda Hobbes
Carrie starts dating an immature guy (played by Cane Peterson) she meets at a comic book store. Samantha runs the PR for a spoiled rich girl’s bat mitzvah. Kat Dennings guest stars as the privileged teen. Miranda because insecure due to her new braces. It’s a hilarious episode.
Season 4: Episode 1 “The Agony and the Ex-tacy”

“You don’t even have a name?”
“Well I’m single, I don’t deserve one.”
-Carrie Bradshaw
-Charlotte York
“Don’t laugh at me, but maybe we could be each others soulmates? And then we could let men be just these great nice guys to have fun with?”
“You’re late.”“Not really, I’m on London time.”
“London is five hours ahead.”
“In that case, I’m really fucking late.”
-Carrie and Big
Carrie turns 35 and her birthday dinner is a disaster when everyone else is a no-show. The delectable Costas Mandylor guest stars as a sexy but unattainable priest. This is one of those absolute classic episodes of Sex and the City.
Season 4: Episode 2 “The Real Me”

“When I first moved to New York and I was totally broke, sometimes I would buy Vogue instead of dinner. I felt it fed me more.”
-Carrie Bradshaw

-Stanford Blatch
“Oh, my god, she’s fashion roadkill!”
Carrie is chosen to be a model for a fashion show. She declines at first but then is swept away into the fantasy. She is perturbed when it turns out the other “real people” models are actually more accomplished writers. She gets nervous and drunk and falls on the catwalk.
Charlotte is diagnosed with a depressed vagina. She says she’s never seen it and thinks it’s ugly which doesn’t match up with an earlier episode where she models her vagina for a huge painting done by an esteemed artist.
Samantha starves herself so she can get a sexy photo taken. She says it’s for herself but is upset when, at first, men don’t fall all over themselves about it.
Miranda is nervous so she overcompensates and a man ends up calling her “full of herself”.Alan Cumming, Margaret Cho, and Heidi Klum guest star.
Season 4: Episode 3 “Defining Moments”

“Carrie likes a jazz man.”
Carrie and Big start hanging out as friends. Big gets jealous when Carrie gives her number to a hot jazz player while they are out together. Trey now wants to have sex with Charlotte everywhere, but their apartment since they are separated. Samantha meets a female artist who has a crush on her. Samantha ends up dating her. While out at dinner with Carrie and her jazz player and Big and his date, Samantha warns Big about hurting her friend again. This episode guest stars Craig Bierko and Jim Gaffigan.
Season 4: Episode 6 “Baby, Talk is Cheap”
“His words said no but his kiss said yes.”
“Ok, that’s a defense invoked by date rapists.”
-Carrie and Miranda
Carrie decides that she still has feelings for Aiden. She tells him and at first, he is very upset but then comes around. This episode features one of my favorite Aiden moments when he screams “YOU BROKE MY HEART!”. Miranda and Samantha experiment with fake nipples. Charlotte and Trey decide to have a baby. Miranda sees a fellow runner who likes analingus.
Season 4: Episode 10 “Belles of the Balls”
“Stop it! Stop it! You’re middle-aged!”
-Carrie Bradshaw
Aiden is upset about Carrie still being friends with Big. Big invites himself out to visit the couple at Aiden’s cabin. He is trashed and lovesick over an actress. The next morning Carrie suggests that Big make nice with Aiden and play basketball. This turns into a muddy fight. Yay! Steve goes to see a doctor for a prosthetic testicle. Samantha meets Richard.
Season 5: Episode 3 “Luck Be and Old Lady”

“We’re talking about the other kind of pearl necklace. You know, when a guy decorates your neck?”
-Samantha Jones
Charlotte is turning 36 but has decided not to celebrate and to stay 35. Carrie wants to celebrate because she wants all of the girls to hang out together. Samantha is going on a trip to Atlantic City with Richard and invites the girls along. Charlotte wears a sexy dress in Atlantic City to combat her fears of becoming an old maid. Samantha is so suspicious of Richard, due to his previous infidelity, that she drives herself crazy and then dumps him. Carrie decides to give up on love until she sees an elderly couple and wants what they have.
Season 5: Episode 3 “The Big Journey”

Carrie accepts an appearance to do a reading of her book in San Fransisco because she wants to have sex with Big. Samantha is bored and accompanies her on her train ride. They think it will be fun but are disappointed. Charlotte has hot sex with her divorce lawyer Harry. In California, Big doesn’t want to sleep with Carrie because he says while reading the book he realized how badly he’d hurt her and didn’t want to do it again. The next day he changes his mind and they have sex.
Season 6: Episode 2 “Great Sexpectations”

“Hi, I need something that’ll make a guy cum in his pants as soon as he sees me.”
“You talk to salespeople like that?”
-Samantha Jones and Carrie Bradshaw
Carrie and Berger can’t get their act together in the bedroom. Samantha meets Smith. Miranda skips dating in favor of Tivo. Charlotte becomes Jewish.
Season 6: Episode 9 “A Woman’s Right to Shoes” or “No Shoes, No Service”

Carrie is forced to remove her shoes at a married friend’s house for a party so her children won’t be exposed to germs. When Carrie gets ready to leave her shoes have been stolen. Then she is repeatedly insulted by her friend about both her desire to spend a lot of money on footwear and for actually caring about the state of their friendship. Eventually, Carrie convinces her that they are equal and she is gifted a replacement pair. Miranda meets Robert. Charlotte nitpicks over Harry’s habits at home.
Season 6: Episode 11 “The Domino Effect”
“I love a cute Candy Stripper.”
“It isn’t about stripping, it’s about striping.”
-Big and Carrie
Carrie finds out that Big has a heart problem and needs an angioplasty. This episode makes me cry. Carrie plays nursemaid to him but when he feels better he goes back to being gruff. Miranda is dating the sexy Robert. Steve has a nose bleed that Robert treats with a tampon which embarrasses him.
Season 6: Episode 19 “An American Girl in Paris: Part Une” and Season 6: Episode 20 “An American Girl in Paris: Part Deux”

“You’re the loves of her life and a guy’s just lucky to come in fourth.”
“It took me a really long time to get here, but I’m here. Carrie, you’re the one.”
In part one, Carrie moves to Paris with Petrovsky. Carrie loves wearing gorgeous fashions in Paris but doesn’t love Petrovsky’s neglect.
In part two, Big goes to Paris to bring Carrie back to New York. Charlotte and Harry adopt a baby girl from China. Steve’s mother moves in with Miranda and him due to memory loss.